How To Stand Up On A Wakeboard

The key to successful wakeboarding is learning to stand up at every attempt. After you are consistently standing up you can start to work on maneuvering the board and learning to carve or catch air. Learning how to stand up can be frustrating and painful if you do not practice proper techniques. Here is a beginners guide to standing up on a wakeboard.

How To Stand Up On A Wakeboard এর ছবির ফলাফল

Before You Get in the Water

Before you even hop in the water make sure that you safety jacket is secure and that the bindings are tight enough. You want wakeboard bindings to very tight, to the point where they seem uncomfortable at first. Once you get in the water and start riding the board, the bindings will stretch out and feel more comfortable.


Getting in the Right Position

When you are waiting in the water you want to lay on your back with the tow rope straight in front of you. Bend your knees so it feels like you almost sitting on your own heels as you float in the water. Keep you head back and your weight behind your butt. Sit with the board straight forward, perpendicular to the boar. Before the boat starts you should keep your arms slightly bent.


Taking Off and Popping Out of the Water

When the boat takes off you want the boat to quickly get up to 15 mph. If you are uncomfortable you can start out a little slower. Most experienced riders prefer to start off at 20 mph. Some people prefer a quicker take off because it pops you right out of the water. When the boat lurches forward you should keep you weight on your heels while you lean back. Don’t let you back bend as the boat moves forward. The sudden jolt of speed will pop you right out of the water.


Riding in Your Natural Stance

It is important that you know your natural riding stance before you try to stand up. If you ride with your left foot forward (regular footed) you should keep your right foot slightly more bent as you start to pop out of the water. This will help you pop up in your natural stance. Once you are standing up remember to keep your knees bents and your back straight.


If you follow these directions you will be able to stand up with ease. It will make wakeboarding so much more enjoyable.

Wakeboarding - How to get up on a wakeboard


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